Orlando Weddings Live

Orlando Weddings Live
Live broadcast weddings

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Which beach is the best or the prettiest?

All beach towns are different and beauty is on the eye of the beholder! We cannot tell you which one is prettier, but we can provide you with a general description of the beaches by area:

About Atlantic Ocean beach locations:

The are the closest ones to Orlando. This is convenient if you are planning on staying in Orlando and drive to the beach just for the wedding. You would fly into Orlando International Airport.
Photos feature beautiful bright blue skies and a combination of greenery, sand and blue oceans
The sun hides opposite to the water (behind the sand dunes)
The sand is a dark golden color with the exception of the Ponce Inlet area where is white

About Gulf of Mexico beaches:

Tampa Bay is the closest major city/airport to these locations.
Water is emerald green, you will see lots of whites and light tones in your photos (as opposed to the bright colors on the East Coast)
The sun hides behind the water. If you are looking for that big bright orange ball hiding behind the water, this is THE place!
The sand is white color


  1. playa del carmen, cancun mexico. its like paradise city there i kid you not.

  2. Atolls of the Maldives, i mean just type it in Google and check those pictures :O

  3. These places are so beautiful! I want to go thereee!
